The Mercatus Directory features business owners of color from the Portland Metro area. If you find a business that you love let them know by leaving a review! It’s easy, go to their directory profile and click on the Recommend button.
Restaurant, Food Trucks, Catering
Order and eat. Find your next favorite spot or impress others at your next meeting.
Packaged Food Products
Sauces. Spices. Snacks. Find kimchi to mushroom jerky. Not to mention dozens of coffee, tea, and spirits.
Health, Beauty, Wellness
Explore locally made health and beauty products or connect with a practitioner for some R&R or much-needed self-care.
Home Goods
Let these local designers, makers, and crafters help you infuse a chic and functional vibe at home or at work.
Gift Ideas
Find a gift that will leave a lasting impression and communicates how much you care.
Fashion and Accessories
Peruse the dozens of local fashion designers. From street wear to formal wear, there is something for everyone.
Construction Services
Find construction services in Portland, including tenant improvements, remodeling, or new construction services.
Creative Professional Services
Find creative business services to support your growth. Services include: photography, videography, marketing, website and graphic design and more.
Professional Services
Accounting, tax services, legal support, diversity, equity and inclusion consultants, data scientists, translation professionals and more.
Looking for a specific business type? The quickest way to find a business is to search by sector. Choose from one or more of the seven business sectors listed in the maps’ drop down menu.
Are you looking to support a business from a specific community? You can search by race/ethnicity. Click on custom search in the maps’ drop down menu and select the group you are looking for.